Saturday, December 03, 2005

My New Resource Blogs

I've started a couple more (and am working on getting a fourth going), just to let the few people who read this blog know!! The original is

Christian Scholars Directory

The new ones are:

Christian Journals Directory , and
Christian MP3s Directory

The first will give a range of theology Journals from from differing perspectives (so far there are the Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society, Trinity Journal and FOunders Journal, for example, which I agree pretty much with on a lot, and on the other side there is Theology, News and Notes, from Fuller, which I haven't read a lot of, but probably disagree a lot with! The MP3 directory will list MP3 lectures (not music) that I come across from folks who do generally agree with me (i.e. tend towards conservative evangelicalism), though we may disagree on a few details here and there. I won't include people who deny the fundamentals of the Christian faith on that one (it was inspired by the fact I got a Dell DJ, and can now listen to MP3s at my leisure, so I wanted a list online I could refer to - there is a ton of great stuff out there. As with my original blog, I only link to free resources.



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